Ferhat Gürer, the Export Manager of Ulpatek Filter, shared the company’s activities in 2017, impressions about the SODEX Fair, and goals for 2018.

Ferhat Gürer, starting his evaluation by mentioning their move to their new factory with 12,650 square meters of closed area in the middle of January 2017, provided the following information: “During the relocation, we made new investments in our production line. While integrating into our new factory in the first half of 2017, we reflected the advantages of our new factory to our sales in the second half of the year. With our manufacturing infrastructure suitable for product groups, our process speeds increased. We had the opportunity to produce in faster and better production conditions. In recent years, we have achieved the growth rates we targeted in our export sales.
By the end of 2017, we became a company exporting to 60 countries. We believe that growth should be sustainable. In line with this belief, with the steps we have taken, we received praises from our dealers and business partners for both our product quality and service approach, and had a year where we continued to be a reliable company image in the sector.”
“Firms implementing a low-price strategy result in low-quality final products due to decreased quality of raw materials and labor”
Ferhat Gürer, stating that there was an increase in competition in the air filter sector due to new investments last year, continued as follows: “This competition naturally creates sales pressure, especially on newly established companies. These companies establish their strategies based on low prices to secure a place in the sector. This situation inevitably leads to low quality in the final product due to the decreased quality of raw materials and labor. However, Ulpatek continues to maintain its reliable company image in the sector with its R&D studies conducted without being part of this vicious cycle and without compromising product quality.”
With the engineering staff in our domestic and international sales teams, we propose project-specific, correct filter and filtration solutions. With this approach, we continue to be a sought-after and preferred brand both in our country and in many other countries worldwide.
“Ulpatek Filter tried to explain the correct filtration at SODEX”
In his evaluation of the SODEX Istanbul 2018 Fair, which was held in a new location and at a new date this year, Ferhat Gürer stated the following: “After these changes, there were some doubts in the entire sector about whether the number of visitors to the fair would be at the desired level. However, considering the number of visitors we observed and interacted with during the fair, we believe that the fair was productive for us. Of course, we will observe the impact of the visitors we communicated with during the fair throughout the year. In order to contribute to the sector’s knowledge accumulation with the obligations of being a leading company in the industry, we also conducted special studies for the SODEX Fair. We prepared a Turkish and English informative brochure about the new ISO 16890 standard, which will replace the EN 779 standard canceled in the middle of this year, and distributed it to domestic and foreign visitors during the fair. We also prepared another brochure about ‘Gas Phase Filtration’ to make the subject clearer in the sector. On the third day of the fair, with the presentation titled ‘Industrial Particle and Gas Filtration Solutions’ by our technical manager Mustafa Buzkan in the forum area, we tried to contribute to the SODEX Fair. With these special studies, we also supported our education projects titled ‘Ulpatek Filter Explains Correct Filtration.'”
“We aim to offer products and services that create added value to our industry and our country”
Adding that they foresee that their positive momentum in exports will continue in the coming years, Ferhat Gürer concluded by saying, “As Ulpatek, in addition to evaluating our goals based on sales figures, we also define growth goals as offering products and services that create added value to our industry and our country. Our company, which has been offering products that shape the sector for years, will continue this mission stronger in 2018.”